NCERT science app for 9th class students containing Science Lessons notes,MCQ question answers according to CBSE Syllabus.
This app is very useful for students of Class 9th and 10th and same time for competitive exams.
Features of Science App :
1. Science Notes topic wise
2. Science Facts
3. Separate Important points
4. Attractive Images
5. Science Questions and Answers
1. Matter in Our Surroundings
2. Is Matter Around us Pure
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of the Atom
5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
6. Tissues
7. Diversity in Living Organisms
8. Motion
9. Force & Law of Motion
10. Gravitation
11. Work and Energy
12. Sound
13. Why Do we fall ill
14. Natural Resources
15. Improvement in Food Resources
NCERT ilmu aplikasi untuk siswa kelas 9 yang berisi catatan Pelajaran Sains, soal pilihan ganda jawaban pertanyaan sesuai dengan CBSE Silabus.
Aplikasi ini sangat berguna bagi siswa dari 9 kelas dan waktu 10 dan sama untuk ujian kompetitif.
Fitur Ilmu App:
1. Ilmu Catatan topik yang bijaksana
2. Fakta Sains
3. poin penting terpisah
4. Gambar Menarik
5. Pertanyaan Sains dan Jawaban
1. Materi dalam lingkungan kami
2. Apakah Materi sekitar kita Murni
3. Atom dan Molekul
4. Struktur Atom
5. Fundamental Unit Hidup
6. Jaringan
7. Keanekaragaman di Living Organisme
8. Gerak
9. Angkatan & Hukum Gerak
10. Gravitasi
11. Kerja dan Energi
12. Suara
13. Mengapa kita jatuh sakit
14. Sumber Daya Alam
15. Peningkatan Sumber Daya Food
NCERT science app for 9th class students containing Science Lessons notes,MCQ question answers according to CBSE Syllabus.
This app is very useful for students of Class 9th and 10th and same time for competitive exams.
Features of Science App :
1. Science Notes topic wise
2. Science Facts
3. Separate Important points
4. Attractive Images
5. Science Questions and Answers
1. Matter in Our Surroundings
2. Is Matter Around us Pure
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of the Atom
5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
6. Tissues
7. Diversity in Living Organisms
8. Motion
9. Force & Law of Motion
10. Gravitation
11. Work and Energy
12. Sound
13. Why Do we fall ill
14. Natural Resources
15. Improvement in Food Resources